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5 Safety Tips For Drivers

5 Safety Tips for Drivers – SafeStart

Driving a car is something most people do on a daily basis, yet car accidents are still very common and many drivers are unsafe. There is a lot you can do in order to be a more safe driver and many small tips, tricks, and rules you can follow to make sure you don’t cause any accidents or injuries during the many hours you spend in your car. Here are 5 safety tips for drivers that you should definitely follow on a regular basis. 

Conceal Your Weapons Properly

If you are driving with guns or other weapons in your vehicle, you should know and adhere to any conceal and carry laws that apply. The laws on this differ depending on what area you live in, so make sure you are well versed on them before you travel with any weapons. 

Use Your Turn Signal

Using your turn signal to let cars behind you know when you are planning on turning right or left is not only the law, but it is a really good way to prevent cars from rear-ending you. When you are about to make a turn, you will usually slow down and if the cars behind you know that you are trying to turn they will expect this and will slow down as well. If they don’t know you’re turning however, they may be caught off guard by you slowing or stopping and you run the risk of them crashing into you.

Follow Speed Limits

Following speed limits as closely as possible is generally good advice to all drivers. This being said, it is usually safe to go 5mph or so over the speed limit. Much faster than that though, can cause you to lose control of your vehicle or be unable to stop in a timely manner. Going under the speed limit can also be very unsafe because it messes up the flow of traffic.

Turn Your Headlights On

Make sure your headlights are always turned on when it is dark, or even when it is just beginning to get dark outside. Not only is it illegal to drive without your headlights on, it is also extremely unsafe to drive without them on because other drivers will not be able to see your car and this may cause an accident to happen. 

Don’t Drive When Impaired

Never drive when you are impaired in any way whether it is because you’ve been drinking, taking drugs, or because you are tired. If you have any reason to believe that you are too impaired to drive, don’t risk it. This is one of the most common causes of car accidents.

Being a safe driver is the responsibility of every driver on the road to keep themselves and each other out of danger. Do your part by following these tips anytime you get behind the wheel.