06/02/2025 5:37 PM

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Exceptional automotive

Is it possible to buy a car as a foreigner in Germany

Is it possible to buy a car as a foreigner in Germany

Germany is known to be giving a leverage opportunity to both citizens and foreigners alike except in few exceptional cases. This is also applicable in buying of automobile whether one is a citizen or a foreigner long as you have the resources to pull through.

Buying a car is an exciting and also very important moment in one’s life. We all know how strictly regulated the country is and especially when it comes to big purchases, contacts, and insurances.

A foreigner can buy a new or used car in Germany. You can buy a car in Germany even without residency, you just need to have a valid ID card, enough money to pay car price, and other additional expenses such as insurance, car plates, vehicle tax.

In this post, you will learn how to buy a new or used car as a foreigner in Germany and the steps you need to take for this.

It is also possible to take advantage of loan facilities such as Carcredit if you are resident in Germany. You can easily read about different loan companies on reviewsbird.de to know the best company to get a loan to buy a car from.

Officially there is no problem for a foreigner to buy a car in Germany. After all, on many occasions, people just travel to the country to make a purchase of any car of their choice and go back to their home country. However, the only where a problem may seem to arise is in the aspect of registration. To be able to register a vehicle in Germany, one should have a permanent address in the country. Regardless, it is still possible to buy a car without a permanent residence in the country if you aim to export it right away.

As usual, the purpose of the registration is to profile the following:

 – Owner of the car

 – Where the vehicle will be located.

 – Address of the buyer to receive a mail regarding the vehicle functionality according to the law (section 46 subsection 2 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance)

 Additionally, the owner must pay a vehicle tax and sign up for mandatory insurance.

So two things are involved when buying a car in Germany to be used in Germany or export to another country.

As part of tips to consider when buying a new or used car in Germany, the following have been listed

 – Which car to buy, new or used one?

 – What is your need which would determine the type of car to go for

 – What type of engine? Gasoline or diesel?

 – What type of transmission?

 – What is the cost price for the car?

 – Where to buy the car? At private bargain with the owner (for a used car) or with the dealer in the open market?

 – find out the advantages and disadvantages of the particular in mind.

 – Available options for payment. Here, there are several options such as cash payment, financing, or leasing.

On the other hand, the process of buying a car in Germany can be likened to processes applicable in any other country be it a citizen or foreigner as long as appropriate.

Vital things to note:

 – Mandatory car insurance

 – Permanent Residence address (if residing in the country).