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Website Design – Advantages and Disadvantages

This article talks about the various advantages and disadvantages associated with website design. You should keep these in mind while designing your website.

Website designing can easily be defined as a specific skill of presenting contents, which are mainly hypertexts, usually delivered to any end user while using the World Wide Web with the help of a web browser or any other web enabled software such as internet television clients, micro blogging, auto blogging clients or as RSS readers. Website design mainly serves the purpose of creating a website with well defined electronic documents and applications which are meant for a particular web browser, while presenting contents with interfaces to the users, in the typical form called web pages. It is mainly achieved by using HTML or XML tags. If displaying media is required, you can use Adobe Flash, Quick Time or Java runtime environment plug-ins, which is usually embedded in the web pages with the help of HTML tags.

Website designing may sound easy, but there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of. Website design has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages. Most of the times, people feel the need of web design mainly for customization. People also ask for specific requirements which they want on their web pages. But until or unless you are proficient in HTML, catering to such enhancements is not possible at all. Sometimes it gets really difficult to provide the client with exactly what is asked for, because of some technicality involved. If you concentrate more on the look of the website, then it may affect the layout or navigation systems. Or sometimes, using Flash or CSS can also create problem for you.

If you need better visual effects for your site, then using flash is certainly a good idea. But if you are trying to draw more visitors through SEO, then it is better to limit Flash as it may distract the visitors. But when you are working with CSS, there are many advantages and disadvantages. This is mainly a popular style sheet tool for web designers. It helps great in terms of bandwidth, reformatting, progressive enhancement, consistency and flexibility of the site. But using CSS in website design can have negative aspects too. There may be vertical control limitations, lack of variables, inconsistent browser support or even poor layout controls; or in other terms, it may not provide layout control for flexible layout.

Moreover, Website Design is always a better idea when thinking of building a website; but a proper planning always helps. You need to keep in mind the purpose of creating your website; otherwise your website designing might prove worthless.