If you have ever been in an auto accident that has left your car damaged, you know that there are a lot of things you will need to consider. You’ve got to get a rental, you’ve got to contact insurance companies, find a repair shop and get the repairs underway. However, if you are quite handy with cars, you might want to consider fixing the car yourself. If you have the tools to do it and the knowledge to pull it off, all you need is the right car parts.
If you are trying to repair an older car then you might experience a little difficulty in locating parts for the car. That is, if you are looking for OEM or factory original parts. While this can be done, it might take a bit more of your time then finding an after market counterpart.
The first place that you want to start your search for original parts is with a dealership that sells the make of car that you drive. This is a hit and miss prospect because while dealers are the best place to find OEM parts specific to your make, they may not carry parts for older cars like yours.
Next, you might want to check into parts stores as well. You may have some success with this method, but if you struck out finding the car parts at the dealer, it is unlikely that you will have much luck at a parts store considering most parts stores get their OEM parts from the same place the dealer gets theirs, from the closest manufacturer parts depot.
However, if all this fails and you are still intent on getting factory original parts for your older vehicle you can always try looking for them online. While it is normal to find most car parts stores and manufactures with a significant online presence, there are many more options online than just those.
You will find plenty of specialty parts dealers of virtually any make and model. For example, if you are looking for brand new side car panels for a 1991 Eagle Talon, you are probably going to find them. You may have to dig a little, and they may or may not be expensive, but they are out there waiting to be found.
The bottom line is that if you are tying to do your own crash repair and if you have the time, the knowledge and the know how, the car parts you need are at your disposal. Even if your car is older and even if your car is somewhat obscure, the parts can be found, and if you are determined, you’ll find them.
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