10/09/2024 4:52 PM

Fights Plog

Exceptional automotive

The Convenience of Portable Restrooms and How to Manage Them

A portable restroom is an ideal solution for companies with a lack or shortage of bathroom facilities. The problem could be that the current restroom facilities in an older building aren’t up to code or safe to use. Alternatively, a flood in the primary restroom could have put them out of action until the plumbing issue is resolved.

The Convenience of Portable Restrooms and How to Manage Them

Event Management

For events that run for a week or more, having a portable restroom facility that can be driven into the location, set up for the customer and left in position is a perfect solution. Some of the latest restrooms come with their own themed designs that the customer can choose between and are well-managed. For events on behalf of companies and big brands, the restrooms facilities must match their standards of quality and, obviously, hygiene too.

When using a portable service, the restroom is delivered and collected at the end of the event. For longer duration events, Satellite restroom trucks are used to drive in, hook up to the portable restroom, collect waste product and drive away to dispose of the collected materials. This way, the washroom facilities can continue operating uninterrupted and the event is not disrupted.

Specialized Vacuum Trucks for Portable Restrooms

Not every vacuum truck is appropriately kitted out to facilitate the portable restroom industry. Indeed, they must be retrofitted to provide the right collection facilities for this growing industry. There is the Ford MD 950 and short Peterbilt trucks that fit the bill with specialized providers creating modified loadouts and fittings for these trusted truck models and brands.

It’s not possible to use a regular truck for this purpose, or another type of older vacuum truck that hasn’t been both designed and fitted appropriately for the tasks involved. Only the right type of vacuum truck will do.

Choosing the Right Portable Restroom

Companies that are hiring the portable restroom are well advised to consider both how many restrooms they’ll want and the size of each facility. The queue for the women’s restroom is inevitably longer in most cases, so there’s an argument to offer a larger washroom facility for women if the attendees are expected to be roughly an even mix of men and women.

Using a portable restroom facility is becoming increasingly commonplace. Whether it’s to offer a better-quality washroom experience outside of the temporary offices when the current facilities are insufficient or because the event location doesn’t have any washrooms at all, it’s become an essential part of the planning process to organize these services. When they’re situated in the same spot for a period or are expected to get frequent use, then arranging for a vacuum truck collection and disposal service run is necessary too. The last thing you want is to have rented washrooms and fail to consider that they need the waste product removed on a regular basis for good sanitation and to ensure the washroom can continue to operate. Not doing so would completely defeat the purpose.